The benefits of using an Audi breaker versus a dealership

by | Dec 20, 2022 | Guides

When it comes to repairing or maintaining your Audi, you have a few options: you can take it to a dealership, a local mechanic, or an Audi breaker. While all three options have pros and cons, using an Audi breaker can often be the most cost-effective and convenient choice. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of using an Audi breaker versus a dealership and why it might be the right choice for you.

The Cost Factor

uk pounds

Lower Overhead Costs

One of the main reasons Audi breakers can offer lower parts and services prices is that they have lower overhead costs than dealerships. Dealerships often have higher rent and employee salaries, which can drive their prices. On the other hand, Audi breakers often have lower overhead costs and can pass those savings onto customers.

Price Comparison

To give you an idea of the cost difference between dealerships and Audi breakers, here’s a comparison of the average costs for some specific parts:
Copy code

Part Average Dealership Price Average Audi Breaker Price
Front Bumper £450 £250
Rear Bumper £400 £200
Engine £2,500 £1,500
Transmission £1,800 £1,200

As you can see, the prices at an Audi breaker are typically lower than at a dealership, sometimes by as much as 50%. This can be significant cost savings for car owners looking to repair or maintain their vehicles.

Some Interesting Stats for car breakers in the UK

  • There are an estimated 5,000 car breakers in the UK, according to the Motor Vehicle Dismantlers Association (MVDA).
  • The vehicle dismantling industry in the UK is worth around £2 billion per year.
  • Scrap yards in the UK recycle around 85% of the vehicles they dismantle, according to the MVDA.
  • The car breaker industry helps to reduce carbon emissions by reusing and repurposing parts instead of producing new ones. It is estimated that car breakers in the UK save around 2.7 million tonnes of CO2 annually.
  • Auto salvage yards in the UK provide employment for around 50,000 people.
  • The UK car breaker industry is regulated by the Environment Agency, which sets standards for the safe and responsible disposal of end-of-life vehicles.

Other Cost Factors

It’s important to note that the prices listed in the table are estimates and may vary depending on the specific part and the dealership or Audi breaker you’re dealing with. It’s always a good idea to shop around and compare prices to ensure you get the best deal. You may also want to consider other factors, such as the quality of the parts, the reputation of the business, and the convenience of their location.

One of the most significant benefits of using an Audi breaker is the cost. Dealerships tend to charge more for parts and labour, as they have overhead costs such as rent and employee salaries to cover. On the other hand, Audi breakers often have lower overhead costs and can pass those savings onto customers through lower prices for parts and services.

A Wide Selection of Parts

car parts

Another advantage of using an Audi breaker is the wide selection of available parts. Dealerships may only carry a limited selection of parts, especially for older or less popular models. On the other hand, Audi breakers often have a vast inventory of features for various models, including hard-to-find parts that might not be available at a dealership.

Quality of Parts

It’s natural to have concerns about the quality of used parts but rest assured that most Audi breakers thoroughly test and inspect all the details they sell to ensure they are in good working condition. Many used parts from an Audi breaker are just as good as new parts from a dealership and can be a more cost-effective choice.


Using an Audi breaker can also be more convenient than taking your car to a dealership. Dealerships may have longer wait times for service appointments, and you may need to leave your car there for several days. On the other hand, Audi breakers often have a quicker turnaround time and may even offer a pickup and delivery service for your car.

The Environmental Factor

Environmental Factor

Finally, using an Audi breaker can also have environmental benefits. When you buy used parts, you’re helping to reduce waste and keep perfect details from ending up in a landfill. This can help reduce your carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future.

Reducing Waste

One of the leading environmental benefits of using an Audi breaker is that it helps to reduce waste. When you buy used parts, you’re keeping perfect parts from ending up in a landfill and contributing to the problem of waste accumulation. By choosing to reuse and repurpose components, you can help reduce the demand for new features and the resources that go into their production.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Using an Audi breaker can also help reduce your carbon footprint. The production and transportation of new parts require energy and resources, which can contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Opting for used parts from an Audi breaker can help offset some of these emissions and reduce your environmental impact.

Supporting Sustainable Practices

Finally, using an Audi breaker supports sustainable practices in the automotive industry. By choosing to reuse and repurpose parts, you’re helping to create a more circular economy and reduce the reliance on new, resource-intensive production. This can positively impact the environment and help create a more sustainable future for all.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, an Audi breaker can be a cost-effective, convenient, and environmentally-friendly option for repairing or maintaining your car. While it’s always a good idea to shop around and compare prices, an Audi breaker is worth considering as an alternative to a dealership.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Audi breaker?

An Audi breaker is a business that specializes in selling used parts and accessories for Audi cars. They often have a large inventory of parts for various models and can offer a more cost-effective alternative to purchasing new features from a dealership.

Is it safe to buy used parts from an Audi breaker?

Most Audi breakers thoroughly test and inspect all the parts they sell to ensure they are in good working condition. While there is always a risk when buying used parts, the majority of used parts from an Audi breaker are just as good as new parts and can be a more cost-effective choice.

Do Audi breakers only sell parts?

In addition to selling parts, many Audi breakers also offer car repairs and maintenance services. Some may even offer a pickup and delivery service for your car.

Are the prices at an Audi breaker lower than at a dealership?

Generally, prices at an Audi breaker are usually lower than at a dealership due to lower overhead costs. However, shopping around and comparing prices is always a good idea to ensure you get the best deal.

Do Audi breakers only sell parts for Audis?

Some Audi breakers may also sell parts for other brands of cars, but their main focus is typically on Audi parts.

Can I sell my old Audi to an Audi breaker?

Many Audi breakers will also buy old Audis to salvage usable parts. This can be a convenient way to dispose of your old car and potentially get some money back in return.


Potential issues, causes, and solutions have been identified in the above article based on the experiences of car owners and repairers, as well as web materials such as forum blogs and technical support bulletins. This data is supplied exclusively for the purpose of reference. Only appropriately qualified persons should perform repairs and/or changes on your vehicles.

While it’s important to keep in mind, it’s also important to note that the amount of times anything is mentioned here should not be seen as a sign of its reliability or frequency. Various owners, driving in different ways, and caring for their vehicles in distinct ways will cause two identical vehicles to perform differently.

As previously said, this material is supplied primarily for reference reasons; nonetheless, we hope that by doing so, we will be able to supply you with essential knowledge that will allow you to make informed decisions whenever you encounter any of the aforementioned setbacks.